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Who needs Co-Managed IT Services?

When it comes to your business, you want what’s best for it—including the best possible IT services. But with all of the different service options available, how do you know which one is right for you? In this blog post, we’ll explore co-managed IT services and whether or not they might be the right fit for your business.

What are Co-Managed IT Services?

Co-managed IT Services refer to a partnership between your in-house IT team and an external managed service provider (MSP). In this type of arrangement, the MSP supplements your existing team with additional skills and resources as needed. This is an excellent option for businesses that want to maintain control over their IT infrastructure but could benefit from some outside help.

Benefits of Co-Managed IT Services

Several benefits come along with co-managed IT services. Some of those benefits include:

Expanded Expertise:

By partnering with an MSP, you can tap into their team’s specialized skills and expertise in areas where your in-house team may not be as strong.

Control Over Operations:

With co-managed IT services, you still have control over day-to-day operations and decision-making. The MSP acts as a support system rather than taking full control of your IT infrastructure.


Co-managed IT services allow for greater flexibility and scalability as your business grows and changes. You’ll have the support of a dedicated team ready to step in and handle any increase in IT needs. You’ll also eliminate the need to recruit and train additional in-house staff.

24/7 Support:

A good MSP will offer 24/7 support, giving you access to assistance any time of day or night. Issues are often fixed before your internal IT staff even knows about them during off hours. This dramatically improves your business’s uptime and productivity.

Reduced Management Responsibility:

With an MSP handling some of the workload, your in-house team can focus on higher-level tasks and projects rather than being bogged down with day-to-day maintenance and support responsibilities.


Pay for only the services you need to fill your gaps or help during busy times. And rather than hiring and training new in-house staff, co-managed IT services allow you to access the resources and skills you need without incurring additional personnel costs and ongoing payroll and benefits cost.

Improved Efficiency:

With the support of an MSP, all of your in-house teams, from executive to sales to accounting to IT, can focus on sales, strategic initiatives, and projects – not day-to-day crisis management. This will lead to increased efficiency and productivity for your entire organization.

Improved Service Quality:

MSPs provide a higher level of service than most in-house teams because they have more resources at their disposal. Issues get resolved quicker and in adherence with industry best practices. This results in improved service quality for your business.

Staying Current On Technology Trends:

MSPs often have a dedicated team whose sole focus is staying current on technology trends and advancements. This can give your business a competitive edge by ensuring you have access to the latest technologies.

Cost Savings:

Co-managed IT services can save your business money in the long run by preventing expensive downtime and data loss. Moving to outsourced personnel will save on hiring and HR costs.

Improved Employee Morale:

Delegating some of the workload to an external team can improve employee morale as your in-house IT staff are no longer overwhelmed and overworked.

Are Co-Managed IT Services right for your business?

Co-managed IT is an ideal compromise between outsourcing your entire IT department and trusting everything to in-house staff who may not have the most up-to-date training or available resources. In this model, you get the best of both worlds: convenience and expertise.

IT co-management is an opportunity for organizations that want to expand their technical capabilities without investing in a full-time staff of techies. You get to choose the resources you need and when you need them.

If you’re trying to decide whether or not co-managed IT services are right for your business, consider the benefits listed above. Co-managed IT services can improve efficiency and service quality and save you money. Co-managed services might be the answer if you’re looking for a way to get the most out of your IT investment.

Total Networx Co-Managed IT Solutions

Want to find out more about how you can expand your IT expertise without adding more staff? Give us a call or message us today! You’ll be glad you did.

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